German Advertorials

We plan your advertorials & native ads in the biggest media outlets in the DACH-region. Profit from our network and exclusive prices on over 475 websites and newspapers to drive your sales and establish prestige-branding.

Be Present in reputable DACH-medias.


Publishers in Germany, Austria & Switzerland.


Published advertorial campaigns for clients.

Exact target groups

Reach exact target audience & insights how similar clients performed best.

Premium audience

Advertorial readers are usually "high income" and open to spend money.

Exclusive ad-rates

Profit from our exclusive agency-rates & strong connection to media outlets.

Guaranteed clicks

We offer guaranteed readers & clicks to not risk your ad-budget.

Sponsored Post (B2C)

on Online-Blogs
€1000 - €1500Price all inclusive
  • 🚀 SEO & Branding (value)
  • 📰 250 Our Media Pool
  • 💼 B2C Target Group
  • 🖥️ 20.000 - 100.000 Users / month (size of media)
  • 📈 500 - 2.000 Views (advertorial reach)
  • ❌ Click-Guarantee included
  • ✅ Trackinglinks in your article
  • ❌ Premium Reporting after Campaign
  • Experts writing your content paid Add-On
  • Free research of best fitting medias

Premium Advertorial (B2B & B2C)

on big leading Media Outlets
€4500 - €12000Price all-inclusive
  • 🚀 Leads & Branding (value)
  • 📰 80 Our Media Pool
  • 💼 B2C/B2C Target Group
  • 🖥️ 500.000 - 20.000.000 Users / month (size of media)
  • 📈 1.000 - 10.000 Views (advertorial reach)
  • ✅ Click-Guarantee included
  • ✅ Trackinglinks in your article
  • ✅ Premium Reporting after Campaign
  • ✅ Experts writing your content
  • Free research of best fitting medias

These companies trust our advertorials:


Years of experience


International media-outlets


Published campaigns


Editors & Designers



Companies profit from first-class
audiences, where they can promote
their brands, products or services.
Furthermore, advertorials provide more
precise tracking of the branding-effect,
compared to TV-commercials, radio-ads
or website-banners.


Companies see direct leads and new
customers with immediate effect. But
they also profit from long-therm-
benefits like steady customer-flows
from Google, website-archives and
other channels.


Editorial mentions of keywords and
links lead to long-therm effects on
search engines. As a result, advertorial
placements influence your rankings,
traffic and trust among web-visitors to
the better.

See our work for Google, Xiaomi, Huawei, N26 and others:

PC Welt Beispiel
Spiegel Advertorial Beispiel
Focus Online Advertorial Beispiel
t3n Advertorial Beispiel
Kicker Beispiel
WELT Advertorial Beispiel
BUNTE Advertorial Beispiel
WirtschaftsWoche Advertorial Beispiel
CHIP Advertorial Beispiel
Handelsblatt Advertorial Beispiel
BILD.DE Advertorial Beispiel
NZZ Beispiel
NTV Advertorial Beispiel
KRONE Advertorial Beispiel Advertorial Beispiel
FAZ Advertorial Beispiel
Forbes Advertorial Beispiel
DerStandard Advertorial Beispiel
Wallstreet Online Beispiel
GRAZIA Beispiel
Berliner Zeitung Beispiel
Tagesspiegel Advertorial Beispiel
Hamburger Abendblatt Beispiel
MERKUR Beispiel
Abendzeitung München Beispiel
Kurier Advertorial Beispiel
Die Zeit Native Ad Beispiel
Futurezone Beispiel
Brigitte Native Ad Beispiel
Heise Online Advertorial BeispielHeise Online Beispiel
TrendingTopics Beispiel
BasicThinking Beispiel
GOLEM Beispiel
PRESTIGE Magazin Beispiel
Uberding Beispiel
ZDNet Beispiel
ComputerBase Beispiel
PCtipp Beispiel Beispiel Advertorial Beispiel
Spiegel Advertorial Beispiel
Focus Online Advertorial Beispiel
t3n Advertorial Beispiel
BUNTE Advertorial Beispiel
WirtschaftsWoche Advertorial Beispiel
Handelsblatt Advertorial H&M
Süddeutsche Zeitung Advertorial Beispiel
DerStandard Advertorial Beispiel
Tagesspiegel Advertorial Beispiel
Kurier Advertorial Beispiel
BusinessInsider Advertorial Beispiel
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Frequent mistakeswhen booking advertorials

Wrong target group & audience
Wrong analysis of Media Kits
Too high prices
Wrong wording & tonality
Wrong topic
Wrong headline
To long teasers

No real Value
Wrong pictures & creatives
Wrong wording on Call-To-Action Button
Wrong choice of Publishers
No budget for Turnover-Bookings
Wrong length

Why choosingwordsmattr?

Know-How thanks to 10 years of experience
Fair Pricings via direct relationship to medias
Exclusive contacts from our time when publishing our own medias in print and online.
We save you time with taking over all research, creative work & texting.

For almost a decade, we have been publishing our own online magazines and podcasts. We reach more than 1 million people every week and have gathered first-hand-experience in so many aspects of content writing and marketing. This is why we believe to have a better understanding for audiences and how one can reach them faster than other colleagues in the industry

When talking about sponsored advertorials, we hear a term that has been a companion for us long before it got popular on individual blogs in Germany. So in 2017, we decided to team up with magazines and podcasters we know and understand, in order to found wordsmattr. An unusual agency, that is not driven solely by numbers as we look on establishing real cooperations, that have lasting impacts.

Advertisers profit from our contacts to over 400 Publishers and online magazines in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. As a result, we can provide perfect fitting magazine-choices in our core niches, that we focus on. And speaking of focus: This is what we want you to have. While Wordsmattr cares about top-notch texting with our in-house editors as well as the communication with the webmasters, you can focus on what you do best: Running your business!

Get in touch

We are delighted to hear from you!

How can wehelp you?

Feel free to reach out any time via mail or telephone, so our experts can give you free consulting and first previews of how we could help you to reach your goals with advertorials in Germany, Austria and Switzerland!